Last Sunday I went to the Hornsea Pottery Research & Collectors Society AGM, full of excitement as to what the day would hold. Anticipating seeing wonderful rare pots on display either on a selling table or in the auction. It wasn't quite that exciting.
Going on my own wasn't brilliant as most people were there in couples or groups of friends and I'm not the best person at networking or pushing into conversations so I felt a bit out of it. Only really talked to one other new member who was on her own and she only stuck it out til lunchtime as she felt there was little talking about pots going on.
The film I had looked forward to went a bit pearshaped as they had technical problems and only had sound and no pictures. That would've been good if fully functioning.
We had a talk by the guy who runs the museum and he was interesting. The auction was mainly novelty pieces and not the type of Hornsea pots I'm interested in so that was a let down.
I did get to buy the book about John Clappisons designs and he was there so he kindly signed that for me. John had also brought some of his new muramic wall plaques to go in the auction, titled Angry old man (see pic) and they went for between £80 - £120.
The day wound up with a raffle and I won an easter egg so I didn't go home with any pots but I do have chocolate to munch over easter!
I have yet to visit the museum and see the new display of over 2000 Hornsea pots which sounds good.