It was an exhausting day at the show yesterday and it took me from 5.20pm until 7pm to get off the showground car park and that was literally probably the length of a football pitch, I could've walked home quicker. Sheer volume of traffic and a bigger than expected turnout made for the delays. Plus torrential rain at the end added to the chaos.
The day started at 8am when I dropped my produce off. I then went to find the ERA stand and helped set that up and by 9.30am people were visiting and gathering our leaflets. We were very busy and I'd set up a doodling competition for kids and adults which proved popular. I helped out til lunchtime and then a friend and I went to see how the judging had gone and it was a bit of a washout for me as I didn't win a thing. Of course we wandered round and wondered how some of the things which looked a bit ropey had won. In particular some jam tarts won where all the jam had gooed over the top. I wouldn't even have entered mine if that had happened! I think I was unlucky with my savoury loaf, only 4 people had entered so I guess I just missed out. The judge had scribbled a note saying a few positive things about it but it's little compensation! Not that I'm bitter or anything, it's all in the taking part right!!
The photos show some of the stuff after judging. In the handicraft section where I entered my fabric collage the bag in the foreground won.
Purchased a few groovy things in the afternoon, a wonderful hippy shirt from Black Yak.
Tried to get back to the ERA stall towards the end but the marquee was difficult to find with all the crowds of people I was so disorientated that it took me about an hour to relocate our stall. Fortunately I got back for the last hour as the heavens opened. Still, it was a great day and I met up with lots of friends and some of my customers.