It is 2 weeks on Monday that the very old and well worn Aga went out and still there is no knowing when it will be back on. This has become a nightmare which has been going on for weeks since the old oil tank was replaced with a new plastic tank and the oil ran low enough at the switch over point to put the Aga out.
The most frustrating part of all this is being a tenant and not having control over the workmen involved in trying to sort the problem out. They come and go, turn up without making arrangements to see if you are in, there's been no comment from the landlord let alone think of any rent compensation for no cooking facilities so I'm fed up with the whole situation.
The problem with not being able to get the Aga back on at the moment has moved from a plumbing problem to a blockage someone else needs to come and deal with. The absolute worse case scenario will be the kitchen floor coming up to expose the pipes, I don't want to think about that.
All I know is I've had enough of getting by with microwave food and beans on toast. A microwave is too much faff for doing proper food, so desperate for something lovely to eat today I visited my friend Katy who used to have Bean There the veggie cafe in Brid.
Katy now runs a mobile catering trailer up on the car park at the RSPB reserve at Bempton Cliffs and she calls it ECO, Ethical Catering Outdoors. What joy to see a huge selection of lovely homemade savouries, cakes and drinks just like she produced at Bean There. My picture is a bit rubbish as I had to use the phone to take it but you can get a feel for the place and the second picture of millionaires shortbread was taken back at home. The portions are just as huge as ever as I tried to illustrate by placing an apple next to the shortbread. It was delicious and much appreciated. The trailer will be at Bempton just on weekends as autumn / winter approaches and I can't recommend it enough if you haven't already discovered Katy's food.
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