Friday, 28 June 2013

The Dog Poo Fairy & a general catch up

It's not been a very interesting week but I thought the headline might bring a smile. This was a jolly little poster seen in Dalby Forest to remind dog owners how nasty it is to find dog doings in a place of beauty or in fact anywhere else. I do spend a lot of time watching where I walk when I'm in certain places!

I've listed a few new things in my Folksy shop like this little doll brooch and I have a few things in the pipeline waiting to be stitched up.

I'm not feeling terribly active on the creative front which I think in part is due to the miserable summer, the grey days and lack of light to what I would expect for midsummer are slowing down my creations.

Well, it's official, this lovely (not) rented house is crumbling. Some heavy rain last weekend has highlighted cracked & fallen roof tiles and a couple of holes have now appeared in the roof. I have informed the powers that be and really it's anyone's guess now as to when they will send a workman to investigate. Not good when it's raining again today, it becomes a worry when it rains living here. I have been concerned about all my lovely books and fabrics for some years whilst being here in the hope that they do not become ruined by damp, insects or mice.

I really hope the sun returns soon to cheer up this grim situation.
Happy weekend everyone :)


Anne said...

The poster made me smile but the topic has my blood boiling!! I hate it when dog owners just ignore their dogs deposits or even worse in my opinion, scoop the offending object into a plastic bag and then hang it from a tree branch! Whats the point of that?
Hope you get the house repairs sorted soon Sally!

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Great poster, I hope people listen!
Hopefully you can get the house sorted soon, it must be extremely annoying. Stop giving him rent, he'll be round like a shot!!
Have a lovely weekend,
V x