Monday, 19 August 2013

50th afternoon tea party at Bridlington Spa

My dear friend Martyn was 50 yesterday and he celebrated in style with a vintage tea party in one of the suites at the Brid Spa. The weather was perfect and you can see from the window shot it was like being aboard a cruise liner with the lovely view out to sea.

The theme was the Ritz and the 1930's, most people had dressed appropriately but I don't really do fancy dressing so opted for the smart casual look and avoided getting on any photos so as not to spoil the theme of the day. Here is Martyn in his suit and trilby

The tables were beautifully laid with vintage, mismatched china

After a few savoury nibbles the cake stands made an appearance and it was patisserie heaven with glazed tartlets, creamed pastries, Spa scones and French fondant fancies my particular favourite with that beautiful hint of almond to them.

We were treated to music by a local jazz trio and guests were invited to take a break at 5.30pm for the pleasure of a promenade and a breath of breezy, Bridlington sea air.

We returned in the early evening for more champagne and hot canapes and then the grand finale of fireworks on the beach which we viewed from the Spa upper balcony.

I have to admit I went a bit mad with the firework pics and I know they are mainly blurry because it was a handheld point and shoot but I quite like the effect. I think I enjoyed these more than bonfire night as it's usually too cold to enjoy them. It was a lovely late summer evening and the moon is nearly full shining across the water on the left.

A brilliant day and Martyn had a most wonderful time amongst family and friends.


Anne said...

Sounds as if Martyn has had a wonderful day and what better way to celebrate. I havent been to Bridlington Spa for years, maybe we should go back soon!

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Well that all looked like a lot of fun!!!
Goodness that French Fancie did look good! :) Your firework photos are brilliant Sally and the moon just added o the shots!
V xxx

Shaheen said...

Birthday wishes to Martyn. Oh what a shame you didn't dress up, but I totally understand I have never been one to dress up, but these days part of me hankers to do so. I love the vintage theme. Fab colourful pics Sally.