Sunday, 16 June 2013

Camping fabric latest & other creations

It's always great to receive positive feedback for something you've designed or made, almost as good as making it.
Today was such a day, a lovely Spoonflower customer had bought some of my green vintage camping fabric and she sent me a link to her Etsy shop to see what she'd made.

Isn't this fun, it's an overnight bag and it's so beautifully made. Thanks Theresa for sharing that with us.

The camping fabric has proved quite popular recently and I have released it in 2 new options, a smaller design of the brown colour and a retro pale blue colour. I think more colours may follow too.

I've been busy making things for galleries, I took a small delivery to Gallery 49 in Bridlington on Friday. One of my new makes was this fabric roll up pencil pouch. I created the base fabric by fibre felting onto an old woolly jumper and I built up layers of wool, tweed and machine stitching.

I was amazed to get a note from G49 to say they had sold it within 2 hours of me dropping it off, really delighted by that.

I also took a few of these brooches and I'm hoping to do a few more to show the Art & Rose Gallery in Pocklington.

Plus, these recycled wraps for tins to use as pencil pots went to G49 also.


greenrabbitdesigns said...

What great use of your fabric, the bag is lovely!
Congrats on your pencil roll sale but not surprising really, it looks amazing! Beautiful little brooches too. :)
V xxx

Anne said...

Your makes are gorgeous, I'm not surprised the pencil case sold quickly, its so pretty.Hope you are going to make lots more!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link up Patty! I love your work with fabric and the pencil case - a true work of art!

patty said...

Thank you all for the lovely comments about the pencil case.

Rebecca said...

I love the camping fabric! It is so cute, my dad has a blue volkswagen camper which you may had seen on my old blog! I was looking at the posts on the yellow buttercup recently and miss it :') Kind of felt nostalgic!

- Becky xox

patty said...

Hi Becky, yes my blue version of the camping fabric reminds me of your dad's campervan. Hope it's still going strong.