Friday, 15 April 2016

More delays getting online!

Thank you for all the good vibes I received in the comments on the previous post. The nightmare of being offline continues, we had a date of April 11th for an engineer to visit and no one came.

After many snotty text messages to Plusnet this week I finally received the bad news that our local exchange has no capacity for any new lines to be connected. This means they will have to investigate another exchange as nearby as possible which will result in quite a bit of work and probably quite a lot of costs attached to it. We now hear the earliest an engineer can visit to just "look" at what needs doing will be the end of May at the very least (another 6 weeks :(. By then we will have been waiting three and a half months for anyone to even visit and take a look, it absolutely stinks. I'm just so frustrated and flabberghasted that this is taking so long and becoming such a nightmare and I can't get on with work, crafts and promoting the holiday cottage. I can see the summer will have gone and we won't actually get any bookings in our cottage for the prime part of this year.

I keep telling Plusnet we have no income until this can be resolved but they just keep apologising and saying there's nothing more can be done to hurry things along.

Oh well, such is life.