Sunday 20 December 2009

More snow overnight

Yesterday I was busy sewing my textile collage for most of the daylight hours so I didn't get to appreciate the snow and how lovely and festive it looked out here. Of course it's not easy to get excited about snow when the temperature inside isn't much warmer than out!

But, this morning with more snow overnight and my collage all but finished and the warmth of the sun, I braved the weather to go for a walk and take some piccies. Decided to go down the green lane near here just to the next village and back by the main road to see how bad it was. The snow was pretty deep and definitely more than we had last year. Lovely animal tracks zig-zagging across the paths, and the main road was rather slushy with only a handful of cars heading in a York direction.
Have placed a thermometer outside and as we head towards mid-day it is registering -5.6 outside, pretty chilly eh!

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