Monday 14 February 2011

Busy weekend

I've had a busy weekend filled with lovely things as it was a birthday weekend.
Received some fabulous pressies, very arty crafty, and went for a lovely meal with friends in Brid.
I also got chance to visit York Art Gallery to see the Hockney picture, Bigger Trees Near Warter, it was quite spectacular. The shear scale of the picture was something special and they were running a small film that Hockney & JP had made through the life of the picture. (not the documentary which was on TV).

Have also finished my Sledmere project so will show some pics soon.


Blossom said...

Many Happy Returns of ... the weekend!!! (always better than just one day, eh?). Am very envious of your Hockney visit. Seem to be developing into an armchair art visitor myself, alas, but which reminds me, have you seen this yet.....
Have been spending far more time than I ought to - almost got a touch of gallery overload!
x B

patty said...

Thanks for the good wishes B, I'm feeling too old for birthdays!!
Look out for Hockney coming a bit nearer as the 'tree' pic is coming to Hull in June.
I hadn't seen the google art thing until looking just now and what a fantastic site it is, very addictive isn't it. I can see why you've had gallery overload!